Source code for semantic_release.cli.config

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import re
from import Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

from git import Actor, InvalidGitRepositoryError
from git.repo.base import Repo
from jinja2 import Environment
from pydantic import (

# typing_extensions is for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 compatibility
from typing_extensions import Annotated, Self
from urllib3.util.url import parse_url

from semantic_release import hvcs
from semantic_release.changelog import environment
from semantic_release.cli.const import DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
from semantic_release.cli.masking_filter import MaskingFilter
from semantic_release.commit_parser import (
from semantic_release.const import COMMIT_MESSAGE, DEFAULT_COMMIT_AUTHOR, SEMVER_REGEX
from semantic_release.errors import (
from semantic_release.helpers import dynamic_import
from semantic_release.hvcs.remote_hvcs_base import RemoteHvcsBase
from semantic_release.version import VersionTranslator
from semantic_release.version.declaration import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NonEmptyString = Annotated[str, Field(..., min_length=1)]

[docs]class HvcsClient(str, Enum): BITBUCKET = "bitbucket" GITHUB = "github" GITLAB = "gitlab" GITEA = "gitea"
_known_commit_parsers: Dict[str, type[CommitParser]] = { "angular": AngularCommitParser, "emoji": EmojiCommitParser, "scipy": ScipyCommitParser, "tag": TagCommitParser, } _known_hvcs: Dict[HvcsClient, Type[hvcs.HvcsBase]] = { HvcsClient.BITBUCKET: hvcs.Bitbucket, HvcsClient.GITHUB: hvcs.Github, HvcsClient.GITLAB: hvcs.Gitlab, HvcsClient.GITEA: hvcs.Gitea, }
[docs]class EnvConfigVar(BaseModel): env: str default: Optional[str] = None default_env: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def getvalue(self) -> Optional[str]: return os.getenv(self.env, os.getenv(self.default_env or "", self.default))
MaybeFromEnv = Union[EnvConfigVar, str]
[docs]class ChangelogEnvironmentConfig(BaseModel): block_start_string: str = "{%" block_end_string: str = "%}" variable_start_string: str = "{{" variable_end_string: str = "}}" comment_start_string: str = "{#" comment_end_string: str = "#}" line_statement_prefix: Optional[str] = None line_comment_prefix: Optional[str] = None trim_blocks: bool = False lstrip_blocks: bool = False newline_sequence: Literal["\n", "\r", "\r\n"] = "\n" keep_trailing_newline: bool = False extensions: Tuple[str, ...] = () autoescape: Union[bool, str] = True
[docs]class ChangelogConfig(BaseModel): template_dir: str = "templates" changelog_file: str = "" exclude_commit_patterns: Tuple[str, ...] = () environment: ChangelogEnvironmentConfig = ChangelogEnvironmentConfig()
[docs]class BranchConfig(BaseModel): match: str = "(main|master)" prerelease_token: str = "rc" # noqa: S105 prerelease: bool = False
[docs]class RemoteConfig(BaseModel): name: str = "origin" token: Optional[str] = None url: Optional[str] = None type: HvcsClient = HvcsClient.GITHUB domain: Optional[str] = None api_domain: Optional[str] = None ignore_token_for_push: bool = False insecure: bool = False
[docs] @field_validator("url", "domain", "api_domain", "token", mode="before") @classmethod def resolve_env_vars(cls, val: Any) -> str | None: ret_val = ( val if not isinstance(val, dict) else (EnvConfigVar.model_validate(val).getvalue()) ) return ret_val or None
[docs] @model_validator(mode="after") def set_default_token(self) -> Self: # Set the default token name for the given VCS when no user input is given if not self.token and self.type in _known_hvcs: if env_token := self._get_default_token(): self.token = env_token return self
def _get_default_token(self) -> str | None: hvcs_client_class = _known_hvcs[self.type] default_hvcs_instance = hvcs_client_class("") if not isinstance(default_hvcs_instance, RemoteHvcsBase): return None default_token_name = default_hvcs_instance.DEFAULT_ENV_TOKEN_NAME if not default_token_name: return None return EnvConfigVar(env=default_token_name).getvalue()
[docs] @model_validator(mode="after") def check_url_scheme(self) -> Self: if self.url and isinstance(self.url, str): self.check_insecure_flag(self.url, "url") if self.domain and isinstance(self.domain, str): self.check_insecure_flag(self.domain, "domain") if self.api_domain and isinstance(self.api_domain, str): self.check_insecure_flag(self.api_domain, "api_domain") return self
[docs] def check_insecure_flag(self, url_str: str, field_name: str) -> None: if not url_str: return scheme = parse_url(url_str).scheme if scheme == "http" and not self.insecure: raise ValueError( str.join( "\n", [ "Insecure 'HTTP' URL detected and disabled by default.", "Set the 'insecure' flag to 'True' to enable insecure connections.", ], ) ) if scheme == "https" and self.insecure: log.warning( str.join( "\n", [ f"'{field_name}' starts with 'https://' but the 'insecure' flag is set.", "This flag is only necessary for 'http://' URLs.", ], ) )
[docs]class PublishConfig(BaseModel): dist_glob_patterns: Tuple[str, ...] = ("dist/*",) upload_to_vcs_release: bool = True
[docs]class RawConfig(BaseModel): assets: List[str] = [] branches: Dict[str, BranchConfig] = {"main": BranchConfig()} build_command: Optional[str] = None build_command_env: List[str] = [] changelog: ChangelogConfig = ChangelogConfig() commit_author: MaybeFromEnv = EnvConfigVar( env="GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR", default=DEFAULT_COMMIT_AUTHOR ) commit_message: str = COMMIT_MESSAGE commit_parser: NonEmptyString = "angular" # It's up to the parser_options() method to validate these commit_parser_options: Dict[str, Any] = {} logging_use_named_masks: bool = False major_on_zero: bool = True allow_zero_version: bool = True remote: RemoteConfig = RemoteConfig() no_git_verify: bool = False tag_format: str = "v{version}" publish: PublishConfig = PublishConfig() version_toml: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None version_variables: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None
[docs] @field_validator("build_command_env", mode="after") @classmethod def remove_whitespace(cls, val: list[str]) -> list[str]: return [entry.strip() for entry in val]
[docs] @model_validator(mode="after") def set_default_opts(self) -> Self: # Set the default parser options for the given commit parser when no user input is given if not self.commit_parser_options and self.commit_parser: parser_opts_type = None # If the commit parser is a known one, pull the default options object from it if self.commit_parser in _known_commit_parsers: # TODO: BREAKING CHANGE v10 # parser_opts_type = ( # _known_commit_parsers[self.commit_parser] # .get_default_options() # .__class__ # ) parser_opts_type = _known_commit_parsers[ self.commit_parser ].parser_options else: try: # if its a custom parser, try to import it and pull the default options object type custom_class = dynamic_import(self.commit_parser) # TODO: BREAKING CHANGE v10 # parser_opts_type = custom_class.get_default_options().__class__ if hasattr(custom_class, "parser_options"): parser_opts_type = custom_class.parser_options except ModuleNotFoundError as err: raise ParserLoadError( str.join( "\n", [ str(err), "Unable to import your custom parser! Check your configuration!", ], ) ) from err except AttributeError as err: raise ParserLoadError( str.join( "\n", [ str(err), "Unable to find your custom parser class inside the given module.", "Check your configuration!", ], ) ) from err # from either the custom opts class or the known parser opts class, create an instance if callable(parser_opts_type): opts_obj: Any = parser_opts_type() # if the opts object is a dataclass, wrap it in a RootModel so it can be transformed to a Mapping opts_obj = ( opts_obj if not is_dataclass(opts_obj) else RootModel(opts_obj) ) # Must be a mapping, so if it's a BaseModel, dump the model to a dict self.commit_parser_options = ( opts_obj.model_dump() if isinstance(opts_obj, (BaseModel, RootModel)) else opts_obj ) if not isinstance(self.commit_parser_options, Mapping): raise ValidationError( f"Invalid parser options: {opts_obj}. Must be a mapping." ) return self
[docs]@dataclass class GlobalCommandLineOptions: """ A dataclass to hold all the command line options that should be set in the RuntimeContext """ noop: bool = False verbosity: int = 0 config_file: str = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE strict: bool = False
###### # RuntimeContext ###### # This is what we want to attach to `click.Context.obj` # There are currently no defaults here - this is on purpose, # the defaults should be specified and handled by `RawConfig`. # When this is constructed we should know exactly what the user # wants def _recursive_getattr(obj: Any, path: str) -> Any: """ Used to find nested parts of RuntimeContext which might contain sensitive data. Returns None if an attribute is missing """ out = obj for part in path.split("."): out = getattr(out, part, None) return out
[docs]@dataclass class RuntimeContext: _mask_attrs_: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["hvcs_client.token"] repo: Repo commit_parser: CommitParser[ParseResult, ParserOptions] version_translator: VersionTranslator major_on_zero: bool allow_zero_version: bool prerelease: bool no_git_verify: bool assets: List[str] commit_author: Actor commit_message: str changelog_excluded_commit_patterns: Tuple[re.Pattern[str], ...] version_declarations: Tuple[VersionDeclarationABC, ...] hvcs_client: hvcs.HvcsBase changelog_file: Path ignore_token_for_push: bool template_environment: Environment template_dir: Path build_command: Optional[str] build_command_env: dict[str, str] dist_glob_patterns: Tuple[str, ...] upload_to_vcs_release: bool global_cli_options: GlobalCommandLineOptions # This way the filter can be passed around if needed, so that another function # can accept the filter as an argument and call masker: MaskingFilter
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_from_env(param: Optional[MaybeFromEnv]) -> Optional[str]: if isinstance(param, EnvConfigVar): return param.getvalue() return param
[docs] @staticmethod def select_branch_options( choices: Dict[str, BranchConfig], active_branch: str ) -> BranchConfig: for group, options in choices.items(): if re.match(options.match, active_branch): "Using group %r options, as %r matches %r", group, options.match, active_branch, ) return options log.debug( "Rejecting group %r as %r doesn't match %r", group, options.match, active_branch, ) raise NotAReleaseBranch( f"branch {active_branch!r} isn't in any release groups; " "no release will be made" )
[docs] def apply_log_masking(self, masker: MaskingFilter) -> MaskingFilter: for attr in self._mask_attrs_: masker.add_mask_for(str(_recursive_getattr(self, attr)), f"context.{attr}") masker.add_mask_for(repr(_recursive_getattr(self, attr)), f"context.{attr}") return masker
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw_config( cls, raw: RawConfig, global_cli_options: GlobalCommandLineOptions ) -> RuntimeContext: ## # credentials masking for logging masker = MaskingFilter(_use_named_masks=raw.logging_use_named_masks) try: repo = Repo(".", search_parent_directories=True) active_branch = except InvalidGitRepositoryError as err: raise InvalidGitRepositoryError("No valid git repository found!") from err except TypeError as err: raise NotAReleaseBranch( "Detached HEAD state cannot match any release groups; " "no release will be made" ) from err # branch-specific configuration branch_config = cls.select_branch_options(raw.branches, active_branch) # commit_parser try: commit_parser_cls = ( _known_commit_parsers[raw.commit_parser] if raw.commit_parser in _known_commit_parsers else dynamic_import(raw.commit_parser) ) except ModuleNotFoundError as err: raise ParserLoadError( str.join( "\n", [ str(err), "Unable to import your custom parser! Check your configuration!", ], ) ) from err except AttributeError as err: raise ParserLoadError( str.join( "\n", [ str(err), "Unable to find the parser class inside the given module", ], ) ) from err commit_parser_opts_class = commit_parser_cls.parser_options # TODO: Breaking change v10 # commit_parser_opts_class = commit_parser_cls.get_default_options().__class__ try: commit_parser = commit_parser_cls( options=commit_parser_opts_class(**raw.commit_parser_options) ) except TypeError as err: raise ParserLoadError( str.join("\n", [str(err), f"Failed to initialize {raw.commit_parser}"]) ) from err # We always exclude PSR's own release commits from the Changelog # when parsing commits _psr_release_commit_re = re.compile( raw.commit_message.replace(r"{version}", r"(?P<version>.*)") ) changelog_excluded_commit_patterns = ( _psr_release_commit_re, *(re.compile(pattern) for pattern in raw.changelog.exclude_commit_patterns), ) _commit_author_str = cls.resolve_from_env(raw.commit_author) or "" _commit_author_valid = Actor.name_email_regex.match(_commit_author_str) if not _commit_author_valid: raise ValueError( f"Invalid git author: {_commit_author_str} " f"should match {Actor.name_email_regex}" ) commit_author = Actor(*_commit_author_valid.groups()) version_declarations: list[VersionDeclarationABC] = [] for decl in () if raw.version_toml is None else raw.version_toml: try: path, search_text = decl.split(":", maxsplit=1) # VersionDeclarationABC handles path existence check vd = TomlVersionDeclaration(path, search_text) except ValueError as exc: log.exception("Invalid TOML declaration %r", decl) raise InvalidConfiguration( f"Invalid TOML declaration {decl!r}" ) from exc version_declarations.append(vd) for decl in () if raw.version_variables is None else raw.version_variables: try: path, variable = decl.split(":", maxsplit=1) # VersionDeclarationABC handles path existence check search_text = rf"(?x){variable}\s*(:=|[:=])\s*(?P<quote>['\"])(?P<version>{SEMVER_REGEX.pattern})(?P=quote)" # noqa: E501 pd = PatternVersionDeclaration(path, search_text) except ValueError as exc: log.exception("Invalid variable declaration %r", decl) raise InvalidConfiguration( f"Invalid variable declaration {decl!r}" ) from exc version_declarations.append(pd) # Provide warnings if the token is missing if not raw.remote.token: log.debug("hvcs token is not set") if not raw.remote.ignore_token_for_push: log.warning("Token value is missing!") # retrieve remote url remote_url = raw.remote.url or repo.remote( # hvcs_client hvcs_client_cls = _known_hvcs[raw.remote.type] hvcs_client = hvcs_client_cls( remote_url=remote_url, hvcs_domain=raw.remote.domain, hvcs_api_domain=raw.remote.api_domain, token=raw.remote.token, allow_insecure=raw.remote.insecure, ) # changelog_file changelog_file = Path(raw.changelog.changelog_file).resolve() template_dir = Path(repo.working_tree_dir or ".") / raw.changelog.template_dir template_environment = environment( template_dir=raw.changelog.template_dir, **raw.changelog.environment.model_dump(), ) # version_translator version_translator = VersionTranslator( tag_format=raw.tag_format, prerelease_token=branch_config.prerelease_token ) build_cmd_env = {} for i, env_var_def in enumerate(raw.build_command_env): # creative hack to handle, missing =, but also = that then can be unpacked # as the resulting parts array can be either 2 or 3 in length. it becomes 3 # with our forced empty value at the end which can be dropped parts = [*env_var_def.split("=", 1), ""] # removes any odd spacing around =, and extracts name=value name, env_val = [part.strip() for part in parts[:2]] if not name: # Skip when invalid format (ex. starting with = and no name) logging.warning( "Skipping invalid build_command_env[%s] definition", i, ) continue if not env_val and env_var_def[-1] != "=": # avoid the edge case that user wants to define a value as empty # and don't autoresolve it env_val = os.getenv(name, "") build_cmd_env[name] = env_val self = cls( repo=repo, commit_parser=commit_parser, version_translator=version_translator, major_on_zero=raw.major_on_zero, allow_zero_version=raw.allow_zero_version, build_command=raw.build_command, build_command_env=build_cmd_env, version_declarations=tuple(version_declarations), hvcs_client=hvcs_client, changelog_file=changelog_file, assets=raw.assets, commit_author=commit_author, commit_message=raw.commit_message, changelog_excluded_commit_patterns=changelog_excluded_commit_patterns, prerelease=branch_config.prerelease, ignore_token_for_push=raw.remote.ignore_token_for_push, template_dir=template_dir, template_environment=template_environment, dist_glob_patterns=raw.publish.dist_glob_patterns, upload_to_vcs_release=raw.publish.upload_to_vcs_release, global_cli_options=global_cli_options, masker=masker, no_git_verify=raw.no_git_verify, ) # credential masker self.apply_log_masking(self.masker) return self