Python Semantic Release GitHub Action

Python Semantic Release is also available as a GitHub action.

In order to use Python Semantic Release to create GitHub Releases against your repository, you will need to allow the following permissions for the token generated by GitHub for each job:

  • id-token: write

  • contents: write

This can be done using the permissions block in your workflow definition.

Configuring the action can be done in your workflow’s YAML definition. The action provides the following inputs:



The GitHub token used to push release notes and new commits/tags.

required: false

Custom Users


The name of the account used to commit. If customized, it must be associated with the provided token.

default: github-actions

required: false


The email of the account used to commit. If customized, it must be associated with the provided token.


required: false


The public key used to verify a commit. If customized, it must be associated with the same account as the provided token.

required: false


The private key used to verify a commit. If customized, it must be associated with the same account as the provided token.

required: false

Additional Options


Sub-directory to cd into before running semantic-release

required: false


Additional options for the main semantic-release command. Example: -vv --noop

required: false

default: -v

Command Line Options

Other inputs which supply additional command-line options to the version command can be optionally supplied, and have the same defaults as their corresponding command line option.

In general, the input for an action corresponding to a command line option has the same name, with dashes (-) replaced by underscores.

The command line arguments --prerelease, --patch, --minor and --major are mutually exclusive, and are supplied via the force input.

Flags, which require either --<option> or --no-<option> to be passed on the command-line, should be specified using the option name (with dashes replaced by underscores), and set to the value "true" to supply --<option> on the command-line, and "false" to specify --no-<option>. Any other values are not accepted.

The flag --as-prerelease is uniquely provided as just the prerelease flag value. This is for compatibility reasons.

For command line options requiring a value, set the input to the required value.

For example, to specify --patch --no-push --build-metadata abc123, you should provide the following inputs:


# ... the rest of the workflow
- name: Python Semantic Release
  uses: python-semantic-release/python-semantic-release@v8.0.0
    # ... other options
    force: "patch"
    push: "false"
    build_metadata: "abc123"